Feeling very Carrie Bradshaw (minus the cigarette lol) as I type away feverishly while the world is still dark outside and my home sleeps. Sometimes the days just burst at the seams with things to do, leaving me not so much time to process, or integrate, or even feel.
On Monday I took the moment to pause for a half day retreat at Sol Rising and walked away reminded of the different ways our bodies communicate with us when we’re moving versus being still. Both offering their unique insight into the stories and information that is living in the body, whether we realize it or not.
In true virgo energy, this week we’re sweeping through the mind to see what we’re holding space for and where some of our energy may be leaking. A journal nearby at the end may be helpful for you but you can also do without!
Remember, to feel comfortable is to get comfortable with the uncomfortable ♡
xx Madison
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